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Now On FREE SMASHWORDS.COM: 7 Days in Hell: I Was There! An Eyewitness Account of the True Existence Hell. By Larry E. "Buck" Hunter
Heaven operates by FAITH. Hell operates by FEAR. Ask yourself, "What is your greatest fear?" For some of us it's spiders, rats, or snakes. For others, it's the thought of being burned to death, buried alive, murdered, tortured, or raped. FEAR is the fuel that ignites the fiery pits of hell.
Our curiosity about the abode of the dead is not completely satisfied by biblical terms or verses. What we do know is that either eternal torment in hell or eternal joy in heaven awaits all people after death, based on whether they trust in Christ's payment for sin or reject Christ.
The Bible calls hell dark, lonely and miserable, a place of eternal separation from God. But God doesn't want anyone to go there. He wants a relationship with us through His Son, Jesus Christ, so we can spend eternity with Him in heaven. You don't have to fear hell. Take time now to be assured of your place in heaven.
7 Days in Hell will jerk you awake, and shake you by the scruff of the neck. It isn't God wanting to send you to Hell, it is Satan. But that cannot happen unless you make the decision to go there! Larry E. "Buck" Hunter makes that perfectly clear in his first person report after being shown hell graphically by our Creator.
You can be lost for eternity--yes; but you have to want to be. God makes it easy for you to be saved (Matthew 11:30). Mr. Hunter shows us plainly that we actually have to work at avoiding salvation. We have to fight God.
We have to embrace evil. Because, as Hunter points out, God is unwilling that any should be lost. The misery is unbearable in Hell, and there is no chance of release. Step by step, Hunter shows the exact truth of a very real place... A place you do not want to go...
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