BLESSINGS FROM THE HEARTPastor Cecil A. Thompson November 4, 2016 To listen to the Daily-E-Votional, click on the link below (or copy and paste it into your browser) for my daily blog!
THE SANDS OF ETERNITY!Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Years ago I heard a minister tell of an incident in a hospital elevator where he had just come from visiting a very ill patient. A young man overheard him speak about eternity and, perhaps wanting to mock his view, asked the minister where eternity was. The minister told the boy to place his hand on his chest to feel the beat of his heart. "Young man, eternity is one heartbeat away!" That may answer where eternity is or at least how close we are to it, but just how long is eternity?Our daughter was in the hospital near death. One afternoon as the two of us spoke quietly, she said she felt she was cheated out of half of her life. She went on to say that Grandpa was 74 when he died and here she was just 35. That evening as I drove into the garage I noticed that the car had been bringing in sand. I took out a sheet of typing paper and swept up some of the sand. I then sat at the kitchen table and counted out 74 grains. Some were larger than others, but all of them were quite small. I placed the 74 grains of sand in a tiny sample perfume bottle. The next day as I entered her room I placed the bottle on her bed. When she asked what it was I told her it was Grandpa. I asked her to imagine the earth being nothing but fine sand. Each grain represented one year of eternity. The 74 grains in the bottle represented Grandpa's life. Compared to the entire globe of sand it was nothing. Whether a person's life lasted long or short, compared to eternity it was nothing. It is what we do with the years we are given that matters. We can choose to confess our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior or we can continue our own willful way and suffer the dreadful consequences prepared for the lost. I pray that the video that accompanies today's Daily-E-Votional will assist you in making the right choice. Please feel free to share it with others while there is still time.
To view the video The Sands of Eternity, go to www.PastorCecil.com.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
---Pastor Cecil
P.S. - You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at www.Daily-E-Votional.comPlease feel free to forward this E-Votional on to your family and friends.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Monday, August 29, 2016
Author Larry Hunter Asked God To Show Him Hell, What He Saw Was Worse Than He Could Have Imagined. WOULD YOU LIKE A FREE COPY
Author Larry Hunter Asked God To Show Him Hell, What He Saw Was Worse Than He Could Have Imagined
7 Days In Hell, I Was There writer reveals what hell was like for him
FOR most people the expression “go to hell” is merely a verbal insult designed to pack a punch.
But for author and broadcaster Larry E ‘Buck’ Hunter it conjures up a very real and vivid experience of a place he never wants to return to.
Hell was not the inside of the Federal prison cell he experienced when through an extreme set of events was sentenced to 72 months behind bars in a US Federal Prison Camp.
Nor was nothing like the memories of his alcohol crazed days on the road with his 60s rock band, despite being known to have said back then: “I will have lots of friends to party with when I get there!”
It wasn’t something Buck encountered in his every-day life, hell is not a metaphor he uses to describe a tough time in his life.
In fact, Buck went to hell by choice.
In his new book 7 Days In Hell, I Was There; Buck gives a gripping account of his encounter with the place most people fear.
Larry E ‘Buck’ Hunter
He said: “This book really is an eye-witness account of the true existence of hell. I know, I was there, hell is real.
“Through an extreme set of events in my life, I found myself serving a 72-month sentence in a Federal Prison Camp for money laundering.
“While I was at prison camp, I ministered in the Camp Church. I had heard someone use the phrase ‘why don’t you just go to hell?’ and I made a point to the person that they shouldn’t wish that fate on anybody.
“His response back was ‘Well, why don’t you tell us what hell is like?’.
“I used this conversation in my ministering and I wrote a message titled So You Want To Go To Hell?. I used all the bible references I could find, and as a result many men in the prison came to know the Lord because of that message.
“But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to experience hell in such a way that I would be able to answer the question what it was like. I wanted to be able to explain it to another person when they asked me.”
That’s when Buck took the brave step to ask for the help he needed.
“There was only one way to really become an authority on what hell really was like” explained Buck, adding: “and that was to experience it properly.
“I wanted to explain it with such authority that people would want to know Jesus the way I do.“I wanted to be able to discourage people from wanting to risk ending up in the same kind of hell I did.
“So three years ago, I prayed and asked the Lord to show me what being in hell is really like.
“When I asked for this hell experience I had no thoughts of writing a book. But the Holy Spirit directed me to write down all I saw, heard and felt. I believe he wanted me to let the world know that hell is real and that I had experienced it.”
God did show him hell, in a dream vision and it was worse than he could ever have contemplated.
He revealed: “I was there. The dream vision God gave me was so real I actually thought I was there, in hell and not dreaming.
“I had to pray and shake it off and I feel that God spoke to me saying that this was only a glimpse of the horrors of hell in the same way Paul’s vision of heaven in 2 Corinthians 12:1-4.
“For me I knew that this dream vision was just preview of what eternity would be like without God and it reminded me of the passage John 3:1-20.”
Larry E ‘Buck’ Hunter
In his book 7 Days In Hell, I Was There; Buck gives an open and honest description of his encounter with hell.
And although when he began his journey of discovery Buck didn’t anticipate writing about his experience he’s sure he was chosen to spread the message.
He said: “There is that occasional moment when a person is in the right place at the right time – these moments are rare – but, when they occur the results will linger for eternity.
“I was asked why write a book about hell by many people. They cannot understand why when nobody goes to hell by choice. My argument is that they do have a choice, they just don’t know it.
“The choice of whether or not people experience hell is one hundred percent theirs and I hope that by reading my book they will see this.
“No one should take a gamble on whether or not they will end up in hell. It’s not worth the odds because the nightmare is much greater than anyone can ever imagine.”
7 Days In Hell, I Was There by Larry E ‘Buck Hunter is OUT NOW. For more information log onto www.econopublishing.com or purchase on Amazon HERE.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
We know that time is
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away. HELPS Resource Center is a direct link to local resources that people are
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food bank, church service or community garden we are privileged to provide this
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Saturday, June 4, 2016
We know that time is
valuable, so when people are seeking an answer on the web they want it right
away. HELPS Resource Center is a direct link to local resources that people are
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Our vision for the future
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The HELPS Resource Center
Directory is very different from common search engines because the information
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Easier than ever to find
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food bank, church service or community garden we are privileged to provide this
HELPS wanted to make it as
simple as possible for you, our patrons, to get what you want from the HELPS
website, FAST.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
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